söndag 14 februari 2010

Tack Titti!

Tack Titti!
Du förstår precis och finns alltid där för oss,
vi äskar dig!

My Dad is a Survivor
My dad is a survivor too...
which is no surprise to me.
He's always been like a lighthouse
that helps you cross a stormy sea.
But, I walk with my dad each day
to lift him when he's down.
I wipe the tears he hides from others.
He cries when noone's around.
I watch him sit up late at night
with my picture in his hand.
He cries as he tries to grieve alone,
and wishes he could understand.
My dad is like a tower of strength.
He's the greatest of them all~!
But there are times when he needs to cry...
Please be there when he falls.
Hold his hand or pat his shoulder...
And tell him it's okay.
Be his strength when he's sad
Help him mourn in his own way.
Now, as I watch over my precious dad
from the Heavens up above...
I'm so proud that he's a survivor...
And, I can still feel his love~!
Kaye Des'Ormeaux

1 kommentar:

  1. Anonym14.2.10

    Vad ska jag säga?
    Finner inga ord!Det bara stockar sig!
    Beklagar sorgen!
    Jag har inte varit här,på denna minnessida, förut.
    Adrian är otroligt lik min lilla son.
    Är helt tagen!
    Varför händer detta??
    Varför ska barn och föräldrar behöva uppleva detta?Varför är livet så orättvis?
    Vilken fantastisk vacker & fin son.
    Ska be för er att ni ska orka vidare.
